  • 时间:2017-01-12
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Abstract 过去时态 简述文章类容,而文章中的内容是已经发生的 In this paper, a algorithm/method was proposed
Introduction 一般时态 用于描述一般现象,例如:“随着人们生活水平的提升,***也***逐渐提高 With the increasing quality of life, the environment problems has been paid with more and more attention
As it is well known that ** is a popular…
Introduction 过去时态 用于已过时或者实效的结果,例如:”谁谁谁在**年**月,做了**实验,发现。。。“ Zhang XX et al. conducted/researched/studied….
Method 过去时态 该部分也属于转述实验内容,既然是转述我们就应该用过去时态 In this paper, we selected 400 patients as research objects
In this paper, ***instrument was used/adopted…
Result 过去时态 该部分也是表达实验结果,实验结果也是已经发生的事情,所以一般情况下用过去时态 It showed that the ***increased with the temperature
Result 一般时态 少数情况,例如:“如图(表)所示。。**随着**升高而升高”,这种情况属于看图(表)说话,所以用现在时 According to Fig.1 or Table.1, ****increases/ decreases with
Discussion 一般时态 既然是讨论,那么肯定是撇开了过去已经发生的实验,我们来讨论现在的结果,以及现在该怎么处理 From this research,we can find that *** is a preferred method for….., and the optimal scheme is ….
Conclusion 过去时态 对于总结文章已经发生的步骤,结果,用过去时态 It can be known from this research that ** was a influencing factor to … and increased with …..
Conclusion 一般时态或者将来时态 因为毕竟是总结,除了总结已经发生的,还有表明现在发生的,已经展望未来要发生的 The ***of ***algorithm is still needed to be studied
**** provides a significant reference/value for….


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